Think Fit
90 Days To Your Natural, Best Looking & Feeling Self
Using a simple, education-oriented system, the Think Fit program works to fix your beliefs, habits and relationship to food – are you ready to finally
experience a lifelong change?
What IS Think Fit
- A 90-day guided program that supports the adoption of a whole new lifestyle – one where disease, overeating, brain fog, and discomfort are traded for wellness, powerful choices, clarity, and boundless energy.
- An education-based lifestyle reset that puts the power back in yours hands – firmly removing it from the grasp of food manufacturers who have held it for far too long.
- A combination of independent study and 1:1 coaching that combines evolutionary and functional medicine, nutritional anthropology, and behavioural phychology to create scientifically sound lifestyle changes that last – and leave you feeling your best.
- A slow and steady approach to health and wellness that acts as an alternative to society’s infatuation with fast and furious fad diets.
So then, what is it NOT?
- Meal plans, grocery lists or exercise regimens
- Low carb, low fat, keto, calorie counting or any other diet designed for short-term success
- Complicated recipes or strange ingredients
- A short-term fix or a done-for-you solution
This guided, 90 day program will bring you into an awareness of what your body needs, why you fuel it the way you do, and how to make choices that move you toward your goals from here on out.
6 Human Hungers
You read that right – there are 6 types of hunger that inspire you to eat. But only one of them is actually going to be satisfied by food!

How do you indentify which hunger you are experiencing and make sure to feed it correctly? You become aware of your inner dialogue and what it tells you about feeding your body. The Think Fit program will support you in:
- Becoming aware of why you really want or crave certain foods
- Understanding your hydration and nutritional needs
- Making educated decisions about how you fuel your body
- Turning off the ‘hungers’ that are causing you to overeat
If you’re tired of:
Feeling powerless over food and drink,
Being confused about what is actually healthy,
Giving in to the cravings that control you,
Using food to comfort stressful emotions and
Living outside of your best self.
Reach out today – If you’re ready to feel like a better you, Think Fit is here to help you do it.
It’s never too late to live impossibly!
A few words from my graduates:
Think Fit showed me how to easily stick to healthy habits that lead to increased joy, energy, weight release and a huge increase in self-esteem…
Mark Jones
I couldn’t believe the food and lifestyle changes I was making each week, and that I was willing (because it was so easy!) to make them. I have completely transformed my body and my life! Wow!!
Karly Ferri
Think fit is a must-try!! It gave me so much insight into my food choices and helped me take control of my little food devil. Despite being an extremely picky eater, I found success and great results with this program… as my body shape and mindset completely transformed. I’m so glad I did it!
Heather Cresan